Lacroix took advantage of this year’s MADEX International Maritime Defence Industry exhibition, being held in Busan in the south of the Republic of Korea, to exhibit several of its wares.
The firm supplies an array of countermeasures to the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN). A press release published by the company during the show stated that 27 of the fleet’s surface vessels are using Safran’s K-Dagaie countermeasure launchers equipped with Lacroix decoys. Ships embarking the K-Dagaie include the ‘Gwanggaeto the Great’ class destroyers, each of which carries four launchers.

The press release added that a number of these vessels could be retrofitted with Safran’s K-Dagaie NG next-generation launcher. As its name implies the K-Dagaie NG is a variant of Safran’s Dagaie-NG designed for the ROKN. Compared to the legacy Dagaie series, upon which its design is based, this new variant is trainable and can thus be pointed in the optimum direction to engage an incoming threat using Lacroix’ Sylena-LW infrared (IR) countermeasures and corner reflectors to spoof IR-guided and radar-guided surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missiles. Lacroix also took advantage of the exhibition to showcase its new SEALEM corner reflectors which are available as both rocket and mortar-launched decoys.
Lacroix has partnered with local firm TS Tech which has developed its K-RBOC NG decoy launcher. This was shown on the former’s stand equipped with Lacroix’ ammunition, principally its SEALEM 08-01 and 08-02 corner reflectors. TS Tech has developed the K-RBOC (Korea Rapid Blooming Off-board Chaff) launcher which can be outfitted with the Lacroix’ ammunition.