This is the October/November 2020 issue of Armada International. This is not the latest issue. To read the current month’s issue of the magazine, please subscribe here:

Editorial Topics:
  • Commander’s Intent: ESG Amphbious Capability Boosts US/Allied Euro-Atlantic Presence: Rear Admiral Robert Katz, Commander explains to Dr. Lee Willett how expeditionary strike groups are central to the amphibious capability of the United States and its allies.
  • Air Power: UAVs Evolve to Meet the Changing Mission: Stephen W. Miller reviews how UAVs are being used in the battlefield, from squad level to the brigade and beyond.
  • Land Warfare: Rethinking Resupply to the Forward Line: Stephen W. Miller examines how logistics delivery is transforming to keep the forward elements resupplied.
  • Technology Focus: High Frequency for SOF: Andrew White reports on why special forces are turning to High Frequency software defined radios, breaking their reliance on satellite communications.
  • Armada Commentary: Is This Time Different?: Andrew Hunter asks if digital design will really deliver improve new aircraft delivery and sustainment.

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Issue of October/November 2020 (1836 downloads)
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