Decisive battlefield advantage from real-time situational awareness

PATRIA ARIS and ARIS-E – effective radar signal detection


Patria ARIS and ARIS-E provide powerful electronic intelligence and surveillance tools that enable the interception, recording and analysis of radar signals in real time.

The constant technological race is one of the key challenges of electronic intelligence and surveillance. Adversaries develop all the more efficient radar systems that are increasingly difficult to detect. With traditional receivers, it may be impossible to detect or analyse their well-concealed and constantly changing signals.

Patria tackles the challenge with the ARIS product family, offering powerful tools for both strategic and tactical electronic intelligence. ARIS intercepts, records and analyses modern radar signals in real time.

Patria Aris

ARIS detects radar signals efficiently

The electronic intelligence and surveillance system ARIS enables identifying various types of radars based on their signal waveforms. ARIS can also geolocate the radars and obtain useful strategic information on their use, for instance, what kind of signals they emit in different operating modes. ARIS is a so-called passive sensor, which means that it does not emit signals itself. This prevents the enemy from detecting the system or its performance.

Patria ARIS combines all electronic intelligence system functionalities: search spectrum, real-time spectrum analyser, real-time oscilloscope, pulse analyser, modulation analyser, direction finding and wideband signal recorder. ARIS enables analysing recorded signals with the same precision as signals intercepted in real time.

All features are integrated into a single compact, user-friendly system. The constant development of ARIS is driven by the perpetual maintenance and improvement of the user experience: the iterative work is based on feedback from experienced operators who use the system professionally.

Real-time information wins the battlefield

Patria ARIS detects fixed surveillance radars and mobile radar systems used in, for example, vessels and aircraft. The system can also be used to search for various weapon systems, such as target designation radars and missiles’ active radar homing heads.

Each radar emits a unique signal depending on the situation. For example, a fighter plane may be carrying out a search or preparing to launch a missile. The operating mode of the tracked target can be identified based on the radar signal, providing valuable intelligence on the adversary’s tactics while creating a more detailed situational picture.

Combining the ARIS system’s signal analyses with an emitter database enables the compilation of threat libraries that can be utilised not only by ARIS-E but also carriage defence systems.

Real-time information is a vital aspect of modern warfare. For instance, if a vessel or a fighter plane is targeted by a weapon system, an immediate alarm is critical. The alarm cannot be given if the weapon system’s radar signal is not identified without delay.

Computing power for demanding analyses

The ARIS system consists of precise antennas, a wideband digital receiver and a high-power server that handles real-time digital computing.

High computing power is required, as the system produces a continuous flow of data at a rate of several gigabytes per second. All data is stored and simultaneously processed into real-time analyses.

Remote operation is a key asset of the Patria ARIS and ARIS-E systems

One of the absolute advantages of the Patria ARIS and ARIS-E systems is that all functionalities can be operated either locally at a sensor station or remotely from an operating centre. The vast amount of signals and data is an essential challenge of electronic intelligence: processing and utilising all inputs requires a lot of human resources, making it difficult to work at sensor stations only. The ARIS system can be operated anywhere via a secure network connection. This enables centralised processing of the entire data flow from the sensor network. The operating centre can be allocated with a sufficient number of competent personnel to analyse the signals; the analysis is a technical task that requires special expertise.

An operator can manually use the system for detailed signal analysis. The system can also run predefined surveillance tasks autonomously for later analysis of signals. The analysis results are entered into an electronic intelligence database.

Patria ARIS-E creates a real-time situational picture

Based on the ARIS system, Patria ARIS-E complements electronic intelligence and surveillance by providing the operator with a real-time tactical situational picture created on the basis of identified and unidentified active transmitters within the operating area.

Patria ARIS-E is an ESM (Electronic Support Measures) system that automatically detects and locates radar signals using signal databases. Its main task is to create a situational picture either independently or with the aid of an operator. The map on the display provides a constantly updated illustrative snapshot of the modern electromagnetic battlefield.

The features of Patria ARIS-E enable tactical real-time geolocation and tracking of radar emitters. Advanced real-time tools enable accurate signal analysis and signal library updates.

With 4D situational awareness, nothing stays hidden from the operator

Patria ARIS-E comes with all the necessary functionalities from intercepting radar signals to visualising the situational picture. The system builds an illustrative 4D situational picture of the battlefield, visualising not only the location information of emitters but also the time dimension on the displayed map. Just like the ARIS system, ARIS-E can be operated remotely and integrated flexibly into various command systems.

The ARIS and ARIS-E systems are based on long-term product development. The related technologies have been developed at Patria since 2005. Patria excels in the comprehensive management of large entities. The ARIS system is precisely tailored to the customer’s needs. In addition to the antennas, receiver and server, the complete package includes software integrations, deployment and system training.

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