Eurosatory 2024: Paramount’s High Flyers

Paramount AAR Mi-24 rotor blades.
Paramount AAR Mi-24 rotor blades.

The Paramount Group, and its strategic partner AAL Group Ltd, have successfully completed the initial testing stage of their innovative composite helicopter blades for Mi-type helicopters.

Paramount and AAL Group continue to collaborate closely to enhance the capabilities of Mil-type helicopters across Africa and beyond. The partnership leverages Paramount’s extensive experience in composite blade design and development, resulting in rotor blades that offer extended operational life and cost-effectiveness compared to traditional metal blades.

“The integration of our advanced composite blades on AAL’s Mi helicopter is a tangible demonstration of our commitment to providing innovative solutions in the aerospace industry,” said Steve Griessel, Paramount Global CEO.

“These blades represent a significant leap forward in terms of performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness.”

The first Mi-24 blades, both the main rotor and tail rotor blades have completed successful tests and are awaiting UAE certification prior to the planned production in the Emirates. The company also plans to develop and built rotor blades for the Mi-8/17 family of Russian helicopters at a later date.

Paramount Group’s other aerospace programmes include production of the turboprop powered Mwari ISR and light attack aircraft for two African customers, with others in the pipeline, and the development of the N-Raven log-range precision strike loitering munition system which is ready for production. Capable of carrying a 35 kg payload, the N-Raven is ready for licence production.

It is powered by an electric COTS engine although a longer-range variant in the Hunter role will be powered by a gasoline engine. Customer specificated sensors and munitions can be integrated within six months.

The company also operates and supports a fleet of Mirage aircraft in the US in the ‘adversary’ role and is modifying four different types of aircraft in South Africa for the special mission roles.

by David Oliver