Finding NEMO

NEMO Compact COMINT System
Plath’s NEMO compact COMINT system was on display at the recent EW Live event in Tartu, southern Estonia.

Plath showcases its NEMO compact COMINT system at the EW Live exhibition in Tartu, Estonia.

Captain Nemo was the hero of Jules Vernes’ two literary classics, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and The Mysterious Island. His name has also been lent to Plath’s NEMO compact Communications Intelligence (COMINT) system. NEMO was one of several COMINT products on show during Tangent Link’s EW Live exhibition in Tartu, southern Estonia. The exhibition was held on 29th and 30th September. A live demonstration of counter-Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle technology was also held by Tangent Link on 28th September.

Officials from Plath told Armada that the company had planned to launch NEMO just before the global Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The EW Live event represented an opportunity to introduce the system to the Electronic Warfare (EW) community.

NEMO has been designed from the outset as a compact COMINT system for sea, land and air platforms. The entire system is housed in three flight cases. Two of these accommodate NEMO’s signal processing and amplifiers. A third carries its accompanying antennas. The kit is operated from a ruggedised laptop. Naval customers have the option of networking NEMO into their vessels’ combat management systems. This entire ensemble has a total weight of circa 150 kilograms (330 pounds).

Frequency cancellation

Company officials continued that NEMO includes frequency cancellation software. This aids the system’s rapid activation as comparatively little time is needed to ensure that NEMO does not suffer degradation due to the platform’s emissions. NEMO covers standard wavebands of 20 megahertz to three gigahertz. Customers have the option of extending this downwards to 20 megahertz and upwards to 6 gigahertz.

According to Plath officials, NEMO has already been delivered to several North Atlantic Treaty Organisation members and is in service on-board land, sea and air platforms.

by Dr. Thomas Withington

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Editor, Defence commentator, journalist, military historian.