Webinar – Automated Counter-drone Mission Planning: EMS Localisation & Jamming Network Automation


Date: 10 September 2024 – available across different time zones or OnDemand.

ZOOM: 09.00 BST > 10.00 CEST – Register
TEAMS: 09.00 BST > 10.00 CEST – Register

10.00 EDT > 13.00 PDT – Register
TEAMS:  10.00 EDT > 13.00 PDT – Register


This webinar highlights ATDI’s EMS analysis, planning, and real-time automated mission planning solutions for battlespace communications intelligence. Focusing on counter-drone operations, it showcases ATDI’s approach to mission operations through data analysis and automated planning, by integrating real-life sensor and direction-finding (DF) data.

This event will include:

  • The use of advanced signal intelligence for real-time mission planning.
  • Counter-drone mission planning with automated counter-CRPA drone strategies and signal measurements from a recognised hardware supplier.
  • Target detection, acquisition, recognition, interception and localisation using ICS Monitoring SDRN Control

Unable to attend? Register to receive the webinar recording.

About Us

Throughout the Ukraine/Russia conflict, the relationship between COMINT and EW in multi-domain operations has been redefined. Previous distinct roles of supporting and supported elements have merged into a unified coordination effort to achieve EMS dominance. Ground commanders now play a crucial role in orchestrating the real-time integration of these two components in the battlespace. This shift highlights the importance of airspace superiority, as demonstrated by the increased use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which have proven indispensable for mission success.

ATDI offers spectrum management solutions for the defence industry exploiting spectrum-dependent systems like communication links, electronic warfare sensors, jammers, and radars. Covering every radio technology from 8KHz to 1THz, their flagship RF planning software, HTZ Warfare builds resilient tactical networks, adapting to dynamic warfighter operations and featuring automated functions to ensure seamless rerouting of transmission paths to prevent loss of connectivity.

This webinar will feature three ATDI solutions:

ICS Monitoring SDRN Control (https://atdi.com/products-and-solutions/ics-monitoring-sdrn-control/) – a flexible networking monitoring solution to improve data analysis and control of EW tasks. Compatible with all leading monitoring solutions.

HTZ Warfare (https://atdi.com/products-and-solutions/htz-warfare/ ) – a tactical spectrum engineering solution for deployment, optimisation and real-time analysis of mission critical networks. Models airborne, terrestrial, and maritime platforms and supports ground communications, air-to-ground and ground-to-air services.

HTZ Web API (https://atdi.com/products-and-solutions/htz-web-api/ )- streamlines complex RF planning calculations into easy user-defined workflows. Integrates seamlessly with third-party platforms for enhanced operability.

For more information: https://www.atdi.com

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