40mm RAPIDFire Gun System for Land and Sea

RAPIDFire 40mm on 6X6
RAPIDFire 40mm on 6x6

The 40mm calibre auto-cannon extensively fielded to effectively fill both ground and naval applications by almost seventy militaries for over eighty-years naval is now back in the Thales-KNDS RAPIDFire 40.

The system was first debuted in its at-sea role at EURO Naval 2023 and then as a ground configured application at EURO Satory 2025. The configurations employ essentially the same fully integrated turret station which does not require deck penetration, thus, simplifying its installation on a wide range of naval or ground platforms.

The weapon is the innovative CTA International developed 40CTAS (40mm Cased Telescoping Ammunition System). The gun design minimizes the interior space claim while utilizing a link less carousel-type feeding system that adapts in shape and load capacity to various turret configurations. The weapon station is fully stabilized in both axis assuring on-target pointing accommodating either ship seas or vehicle movement while maintaining accuracy.

The gun employs APFSDS Armoured Piercing, three versions of high explosive general purpose (GPR-T) with settable fuse, and kinetic energy A3B Anti Aerial Air Burst ammunition as well as target practice. The AFSDS which has a range of 2500 plus meters can defeat 140mm of armour at 1500 meters making it effective against even the most protected infantry fighting vehicle. The GPR is provided in programable air burst, point detonating and bunder/structure busting versions.

Optimized for aerial targets, the A3B can be programmed for optimum detonation to achieve maximum lethality with directional fragmentation to address soft surface or moving aerial targets including aircraft, cruise missiles, and drones at up to 4000 meters.

Its precise laying and projectile lethality allow the RAPIDFire to successfully destroy a target with a programmed three round burst which allows it to efficiently address multiple threats in rapid succession.

The CTA’s Cased Telescoping Ammunition differentiates from conventional medium calibre weapons in that the projectile is located inside the cartridge case and is surrounded by the propellant powder. This provides ammunition that is shorter length and compact permitting optimized weapon kinematics, reducing space needed for ammunition storage and allowing simpler loading without need for flexible feed chutes.

In addition, the design eliminates the need to extract the spent cartridge cases which are instead” pushed-through” and ejected perpendicular to the axis of fire. Together these characteristics minimize turret interior space claims, simplify ammunition loading and feeding, and permit exceptional gun elevation of up to 75 degrees.

The Naval RAPIDFire is being installed on the French Navy Patrouilleurs Hauturiers offshore patrol vessels. In the ground role it has been displayed on both a 6×6 and 8×8 tactical truck. In the latter version the gun system can be off-loaded and employed in a fixed site defence role.

In both naval and ground versions the RAPIDFire 40 can fully engage targets independently using its integrated stabilized electro-optic suite or perform as an element of a larger combat network. With the CTA40 and its ammunition in production and fielded for both the offshore vessels and for use in both French and British combat vehicles introduction of the Land RapidFire 40 could occur on an accelerated schedule.

by Stephen W. Miller

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Stephen W. Miller
A former US Marine ground combat and aviation officer instrumental in the adoption of wheeled armoured vehicles and manoeuvre warfare. He has extensive hands-on experience in development, acquisition, fielding, support and employment leading land, naval, and air programmes in the US and twenty-four other countries. [email protected]