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Stephen W. Miller

A former US Marine ground combat and aviation officer instrumental in the adoption of wheeled armoured vehicles and manoeuvre warfare. He has extensive hands-on experience in development, acquisition, fielding, support and employment leading land, naval, and air programmes in the US and twenty-four other countries. [email protected]
M1A1 Abrams Tank offload Ssang Yong 14

All Change at the Corps: Force Design 2030

The plan for the future of the US Marine Corps is contentious and will see a restructuring away from its traditional all-arms employment. A revision...
Nora - Yugo Imports at Yuma Proving Grounds.

Wheeled Self-propelled Artillery at AUSA

The US Army’s active interest and potential requirements for artillery capability compatible with the Stryker’s manoeuvre saw truck mounted howitzers well represented at the...
The GhostRobotics K9.

Robot Patrol Canines Roam AUSA

They seemed to be everywhere, mechanical four-legged “canine” robots wandering the AUSA exhibit halls. These robotic dogs caught the attention of attendees wherever they...
Whiskey Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Craft

Whiskey Project Catamaran Debuts at AUSA

Surprisingly standing out among the ground combat systems on the exhibit hall at the US Army Association exposition was the display in the Australian...
RADA radar is integrated on the US Army IM-SHORAD

C-UAS – Solving the Detection Problem

Small unmanned systems are often difficult for engaged ground forces to detect - but help is at hand. As we have seen in the UAV...

Patria Unveils 6×6 Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier

Finland’s Patria has announced the unveiling of its new Heavy Armoured Personnel Carrier 6x6 (HAPC) vehicle at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI)...
K9A1 Thunder 155 mm/52 caliber Self-Propelled Howitzer system.

Hanwha Defense Presents K9A2 SP Artillery to UK

Hanwha Defense announced it will present its K9A1 Thunder 155 mm/52 caliber Self-Propelled Howitzer system at the upcoming Defense Defence and Security Equipment International...

USMC NMESIS ASM Engages Target Ship in SINKEX

The US Marine Corps successfully fired two Naval Strike Missiles against a decommissioned US Navy Frigate, the USS Ingraham, as a target ship during...

True Velocity Ammunition Offers Infantry Weapon Upgrades

True Velocity (TV) successful demonstrated the possibility of significantly improving the range and lethality of fielded infantry weapons by substituting a 6.8 mm barrel...

M-ACE – Integrated Detect, Track, ID, and Defeat

The ability to rapidly detect, identify, track and provide for the defeat of targets within a short time frame has become a battlefield imperative....

Highlight of the Month