US Army M777A2 155mm howitzer

Radioflash! Episode 2: A Work of Fiction

FICINT is a useful tool to help us imagine how the future may unfold. It is particularly apt for those working in the electromagnetic...
Artist's impression of a GPS satellite

Radioflash! Episode 1: Voices from Space

Armada is proud to launch our new Radioflash podcast. Blending our electronic warfare and military communications podcasts Radioflash covers all aspects of military electromagnetic...

Airbus launches European Defence Fund R&D projects

Airbus has launched two defence research and development projects that it is coordinating as part of the 2021 European Defence Fund (EDF). In July...
Indra_NH90 simulator

Indra Develops the Third NH90 Helicopter Simulator for the Spanish Armed Forces

The new Full Mission Simulator will ensure the highest level of training and tactical preparation of mission crews, with the utmost safety and...
Titan-II rocket

Electronic Warfare Podcast 24: FARRAH in the Falklands

A recent article contained a startling revelation that US FARRAH satellites provided SIGINT to British forces during the Falklands War. Taking its name from...
NATO Cyber Coalition 2022

Putting the C into CEMA

A recent NATO exercise in Estonia shed light on how the alliance sees cyber warfare at the operational and tactical levels. This year’s North Atlantic...

Training at a Higher Level

The war in Ukraine has injected impetus into a re-evaluation of live, virtual and and constructive flight training. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been a...
Textron’s Bell V-280 Valor

Textron’s Bell V-280 Valor Chosen as New U.S. Army Long-Range Assault Aircraft

The V-280’s unmatched combination of proven tiltrotor technology coupled with innovative digital engineering and an open architecture offers the Army outstanding operational versatility for...
Euroflir 610

Safran’s Euroflir 610 optronic observation system chosen for Eurodrone

Safran Electronics & Defense has signed a contract with Leonardo to develop and supply the Euroflir 610 high-performance airborne electro-optical (optronic) system for the Eurodrone...
RAF Stories from the Future (Royal Air Force)

Fast Forward the Future

The Royal Air Force (RAF) describes it as “fictional intelligence, useful intelligence, a meld of narrative and nonfiction”. The world’s oldest air force should...

Highlight of the Month