Civilian Radios

Point Break

Do claims that Russian COMINT experts have cracked the AES-256 encryption standard, and are exploiting this achievement to support military operations in Ukraine, hold...
Iranian Military EW Cadres

Getting Past the Propaganda

A new book casts much-needed light on the electronic and cyberwarfare postures of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is no...
US Army Multi-Domain Task Force

TLS – EAB Steps Forward

US Army plans to enhance operational-level electronic and cyberwarfare are moving ahead with deliveries of prototype TLS – EAB systems in the offing. Lockheed Martin...
Russian Military Districts

Russian IADS Redux Part-6: Fundament-alists

Part 6 of Armada’s ongoing series on Russia’s strategic integrated air defence system examined its identification friend or foe apparatus. This article looks at...
Doodle Labs Helix Mesh Rider Radio

July Radio Roundup

Doodle’s new kit and caboodle Doodle Labs has announced it is planning to cooperate with companies supplying Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to Ukrainian forces. The...
British Army Command and Control

Reaching the Summit

A recent experiment in the UK demonstrated the feasibility of networking a raft of assets to provide land forces with a scalable, common operating...
Elbit Systems Nano SPEAR Air-Launched Expendable Decoy

July Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. SPEAR hits the target This year’s Paris Air Show,...
Ukrainian Social Media Post on Russian Fratricide

Russian IADS Redux Part-5: Reset Password?

Part 5 of Armada’s ongoing Russian IADS Redux series looks at the IFF systems the country’s IADS uses to determine friend from foe. Previous articles...
SATCOM Direct Ku-band Terminal for C-130

June Radio Roundup

SATCOM for Hercules R4 Integration’s Multi-Purpose Hatch System (MPHS) is being enhanced with Satcom Direct’s Plane Simple Ku-band (14 gigahertz/GHz uplink and 10.9GHz to 12.75GHz...

Radioflash! Episode 4: Beyond the Horizon

Keen-eyed readers of Armada’s military communications webpage may remember an article we ran in April that looked at tropospheric radio. The article discussed the...

Highlight of the Month