COMSAT offers Iridium Certus to US DoD, government and commercial users

With the final satellite in place linking the much-anticipated Iridium Certus NEXT constellation together, COMSAT now offers this powerful new service to aero, land-mobile,...

Link Microtek optical encoding technology delivers secure wireless communications for QinetiQ test facility

Engineers at a QinetiQ naval-communications test and evaluation facility at Portsdown in Hampshire are reaping significant benefits from the recent installation of an Azdec...

Harris Corporation Improves TNW-75 Waveform to Support Larger User Networks

Harris Corporation has upgraded the TNW-75 Waveform – doubling the user node count and providing significantly greater value for large C4I networks. The increase in...

GSCI is bringing their esteemed Thermal Fusion Systems to IDEX 2019

General Starlight Co. Inc. - the company behind some of the most innovative modern night vision and thermal imaging devices - will be attending...

Survitec to unveil unique CBR suits at IDEX

Leading safety equipment manufacturer and supplier Survitec will introduce two new protective suits for chemical, biological and radioactive environments at IDEX, which takes place...

Abaco announces FMC172 FMC Module for Advanced Electronic Warfare Applications

Abaco announced the FMC172 Wideband Low Latency FMC Module. Designed for customers developing advanced embedded computing applications in electronic warfare, digital radar, wide band...

Codan Communications launches New Generation Manpack

Building on its successful Software Defined Radio (SDR) products, Codan Communications has developed its latest manpack, the Sentry-H 6110-MP, one of the smallest and...

Barrett 4050 SDR obtains FCC and Industry Canada approval

In November 2018 Barrett Communications was advised that the 4050 HF SDR transceiver was granted authorisation by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the...

ZARGES Inc. releases BatterySafe Case for broken Lithium-Ion Batteries

ZARGES is a global supplier of storage and transport equipment, used in a multitude of industries and companies worldwide. Our lightweight aluminum cases are...

New ComTac™ VI NIB Tactical headset from the 3M PELTOR brand

ComTac 1st generation headset was a result of a project to help prevent hearing damage and at the same time use communication to help...

Highlight of the Month