Enhancing The MK.1 Eyeball

Dismounted troops face a complex array of tasks that frequently involve making quick, critical decisions under harsh, dangerous conditions. Whether conducting sustained combat, raids,...
ST Engineering

MINDEF Awards ST Kinetics Contract for Next Generation AFV

Singapore, 22 March 2017 – Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Engineering) announced today that its land systems arm, Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (ST Kinetics),...

Fire from the Sea

Investment is flowing into naval surface weaponry, notably anti-ship and land-attack missiles, plus naval gunnery, the latter of which is experiencing a renaissance as...

Enhanced Firepower in the Sights of US Army IBCTs

The US Army hopes to commence production of its new Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) vehicle by 2020. The MPF is envisaged by the force...

RAF ASRAAM Integration Advances

A live firing of MBDA’s Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile (ASRAAM) from a Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning-II fighter has taken place; marking the first...

USMC MRZR-D4 Expected to be fielded in April 2017

The United States Marine Corps (USMC) expects to conclude the fielding of its new Polaris Defence MRZR-D4 four-wheel drive vehicles by April 2017, the...
Chevrolet Colorado ZH2

Fuel Cells Offer Promise

Hydrogen fuel cell electric powered vehicles are viewed as having great promise as alternative to traditional petrol or diesel engines. That the military is giving...
Titan THeMIS

THeMis UGV Marches Forward

Estonia’s MILREM has developed, with support from the Estonian armed forces, the THeMIS (Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System) Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV). This UGV...

Polaris Introduces MRZR Diesel Vehicle

Historically, militaries around the world have preferred diesel, and multi-fuel, engines in their vehicles. This has caused problems introducing commercial All Terrain Vehicles (ATV)...

Terrex-2 Commences Testing

ST Kinetics delivered its first Terrex-2 on 21st February 2017 to the US Marine Corps in a ceremony at the firm’s facility outside Charleston,...

Highlight of the Month