Radioflash! Episode 4: Beyond the Horizon

Keen-eyed readers of Armada’s military communications webpage may remember an article we ran in April that looked at tropospheric radio. The article discussed the...
Global ASNT Terminal

Emergency Calls

This August the US Air Force declared an initial operational capability for its Global Aircrew Strategic Network Terminal for aircraft and intercontinental ballistic missile...
PRC flag at PLA HQ

A Tale of Two Systems

The People’s Liberation Army is planning to emulate the US Department of Defence’s Joint All-Domain Command and Control concept. Towards the end of 2022 the...
The Klitschko Brothers and Starlink Terminals

Military Communications Podcast 2: Deep Impact

Private sector satellite communications provision is paying dividends for Ukrainian forces in that country’s ongoing war. In the wake of Russia’s Ukraine invasion on...
Army 2030 Communications Reliance

Commercial Break

The US Army is looking to deepen the involvement of private-sector satellite communications providers to satisfy its needs as the force embraces MDO and...
US Army 2030 Graphic

Millimetres Make A Difference

The US Army may begin procuring millimetric wave communications systems for its land manoeuvre force from 2025. Officials from Blu Wireless told Armada that the...
Dismounted Links

Simulate to Communicate

Armada is delighted to have had the opportunity to evaluate MASS’ Batteleye mission support software tool as a tactical communications planning aid over the...
US Army Blue Force Tracker

January Radio Roundup

Armada's monthly roundup of all the latest news in the military communications product, programme and operational domains. BFT For All to See Inmarsat has shared details...
US Army HF Radio

October Radio Roundup

Armada's monthly roundup of all the latest news in the military communications product, programme and operational domains. Programmes L3Harris has won a $13.4 million order from...
SATCOM Direct Ku-band Terminal for C-130

June Radio Roundup

SATCOM for Hercules R4 Integration’s Multi-Purpose Hatch System (MPHS) is being enhanced with Satcom Direct’s Plane Simple Ku-band (14 gigahertz/GHz uplink and 10.9GHz to 12.75GHz...

Highlight of the Month