Doodle Labs Helix Mesh Rider Radio

July Radio Roundup

Doodle’s new kit and caboodle Doodle Labs has announced it is planning to cooperate with companies supplying Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to Ukrainian forces. The...
Royal Navy Daring class destroyer

The Blessed Plot

A promising new development aims to overcome naval surveillance radar line-of-sight restrictions to improve ballistic missile detection and engagement. Thales shared details of the Plot...
The Ionosphere

Ionosphere Investigations – DARPA’s Ouija Programme Gets Underway

The US’ Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Ouija programme will delve into the mysterious world of ionospheric high frequency communications. Skywave HF (three to...
Estonia's CR-14 cyber range

Sending a Clear Message

NATO is developing new messaging standards protocol for cyberspace operations which could soon complement the Alliance’s existing messaging formats. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)...

Coast to Coast

New Zealand will soon receive new high frequency transmitters as part of an ongoing programme to overhaul the country’s military HF communications infrastructure. Sources close...
Arkeocean AUVs

Wifi Below the Waves

The Proteus project is developing innovative approaches for underwater networking and the sharing of data with users on the surface. Naval operations are increasingly networked....
British Army Command and Control

Reaching the Summit

A recent experiment in the UK demonstrated the feasibility of networking a raft of assets to provide land forces with a scalable, common operating...
USAF B-2A Spirit Strategic Bomber

Spirit of Cooperation

The USAF’s Boeing B-2A Spirit strategic bombers are getting communications enhancements which will help them obtain new mission information during their sorties. On 9th August,...
The US Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) C2 system from Northrop Grumman will use cloud computing and new communications protocols. (Northrop Grumman)

Speaking across the Divide

While JADC2 heralds a paradigm shift in how the US armed forces and allied services share information, its implementation faces distinct challenges.  On paper, the...

Radioflash! Episode-6: Fighting with (dis)information

Information is a strategic resource, it always was, but with fake news and disinformation by nefarious actors very much on the agenda, its manipulation...

Highlight of the Month