Artist's impression of a GPS satellite

Radioflash! Episode 1: Voices from Space

Armada is proud to launch our new Radioflash podcast. Blending our electronic warfare and military communications podcasts Radioflash covers all aspects of military electromagnetic...

January Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. Bright Days for BriteCloud In late November the US...
USAF EW personnel

Electronic Warfare Podcast 25: General Practitioners

As the electromagnetic spectrum becomes more congested and contested so the EW practitioner’s work increases. Human factors play a key role in Electronic Warfare...
Titan-II rocket

Electronic Warfare Podcast 24: FARRAH in the Falklands

A recent article contained a startling revelation that US FARRAH satellites provided SIGINT to British forces during the Falklands War. Taking its name from...
NATO Cyber Coalition 2022

Putting the C into CEMA

A recent NATO exercise in Estonia shed light on how the alliance sees cyber warfare at the operational and tactical levels. This year’s North Atlantic...

December Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. Hermod and Vulcan Arrive Concurrent Technologies has launched two...
British Army Counter-IED Training

UK Counter-IED Technology Advances

The United Kingdom’s Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (CIED) capabilities are being reinvigorated thanks to the UK Ministry of Defence’s (MOD) Project Crenic. It delivers new...
Destroyed Russian Borisoglebsk-2 EW Vehicle at Kherson International Airport

Letter From Kherson: Russian Electronic Warfare After Action Report

The Russian Army has withdrawn from the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson. Below is a fictitious letter from an army EW company commander to his...
RAF Stories from the Future (Royal Air Force)

Fast Forward the Future

The Royal Air Force (RAF) describes it as “fictional intelligence, useful intelligence, a meld of narrative and nonfiction”. The world’s oldest air force should...
Sky Shield Pod and Typhoon-ECR

November Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. Boule de Protection The SPART counter-improvised explosive device jammer...

Highlight of the Month