RAF Typhoon Eurofighter at the US Exercise Red Flag 2014.

Survivability Through Digital Stealth

Can reprogrammable electronic warfare systems provide protection for tactical aircraft in a dynamic and changing threat environment? Leonardo believe in rapidly reprogrammable electronic warfare (EW) systems. Not only...

Gorshkov Electronic Warfare Upgrade Puzzle

Why is the Russian Navy is planning an upgrade of the electronic warfare systems adorning the ‘Admiral Gorshkov’ class frigates? While much of the...

LORAN Runs Again

The LORAN (Long Range Navigation) radio navigation system is enjoying a new lease of life with E-LORAN promising improvements in accuracy and resistance to...

Bushmaster Electronic Warfare Vehicles for Dutch Army

In early July, the Dutch Army took delivery of its first new Bushmaster electronic warfare vehicle, paving the way for the possible retirement of...

Small System, Big Difference

The US Army’s MFEW-AS electronic warfare system for Class-3 UAVs promises an enhancement to the electromagnetic capabilities of its Brigade Combat Teams. The Multi-Function Electronic...

US Army Beefs Up Electronic Warfare Posture in the Pacific

Plans are afoot to strengthen the US Army’s electronic warfare posture in the Pacific to disrupt People’s Liberation Army communications during any future conflict. Recent...

Ukraine Airlines Flight 752 Shoot Down: Questions Remain

Iran provides more details on the shootdown of Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 on 8th January, but questions remain unanswered. Serious lapses in radar and...

Electronic Warfare Podcast 6: Multi-Domain Operations Defined

Multi Domain Operations is a phrase thrown around with abandon, but just what does it mean? We talk to Dr. Bill Conley, Mercury Systems’...

Home on the Range

The Royal Air Force’s RAF Spadeadam electronic warfare training range gets a new commander. “I wandered lonely as a cloud, that floats on high o’er...

Suppression Aggression

US Air Force air defence suppression capabilities are being enhanced via the F-35. The US Air Force is on course to receive a new...

Highlight of the Month