
L3Harris Technologies Introduces New ISR Technology Solution

L3Harris Technologies is introducing a new technology solution to enhance ISR capability to aircraft previously only available through major airplane modifications. RASISR™ (Rapid, Adaptable,...

Life in the old Frog yet?

The loss of an Armenian Air Force Su-25 Frogfoot prompts questions about the type’s survivability. Despite its age the the Sukhoi Su-25 series (NATO...

High Above Louisville

The US Department of Homeland Security has reportedly flown SIGINT gathering aircraft above civil rights protests in the United States. On 24th September open sources...

WGS Protection Deepens

The US Air Force’s WGS satellite constellation will be outfitted with new electronic protection measures by 2022. Boeing is leading the US Air Force’s Mitigation...

More EW Units for Japan’s Army

Japanese media have reported that the country’s Ground Self-Defence Force will soon activate a new electronic warfare unit. Reports stated that the JGSDF (Japan Ground...

Triangulate to Accumulate

NATO’s CESMO initiative promises a step change in how the alliance collects electronic intelligence offering tactical, operational and strategic advantages. An accurate, timely electronic order-of-battle...

AMPS-M Upgrade

Bird Aerosystems will upgrade the AMPS self-protection system equipping the Czech Air Force’s Mi-17s. The company announced in a press release on 11th September that...

Management Issues

Armada has been given details of the scope of the Airborne Multi-Platform Electronic Warfare (AMPEW) project launched by Australia and the United States last...
General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds force

The SIM Reaper

Did mobile phone records help lead US intelligence to General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds force, who was killed...

Shephard’s Messenger

A quintet of companies have formed the Team Novus consortium in response to the UK’s Ministry of Defence’s Mission Data for Information Advantage (MD4IA)...

Highlight of the Month