Russian "Azart" radios

Talking the Talk

Translated official Russian documents seen by Armada provide an insight into how tactical communications are deployed by Russia’s army on the battlefield. In April...

The Prime Minister of Czech Republic Visited EA Company

On Monday, January 9 2023, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Petr Fiala, visited our company in Šternberk.   On the occasion of his...

The Art of Countering Artillery Fires in Ukraine

As Russia’s invasion and occupation of southern and eastern Ukraine moves into a new phase, counter-battery radar is proving its worth as the artillery...
Destroyed Russian Borisoglebsk-2 EW Vehicle at Kherson International Airport

Letter From Kherson: Russian Electronic Warfare After Action Report

The Russian Army has withdrawn from the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson. Below is a fictitious letter from an army EW company commander to his...
Air Defence

US Sends Another $400 Million Defence Aid to Ukraine; Total $19.7 Billion Since Russian...

On 23 November the United States authorised a further $400 million drawdown in security assistance for Ukraine’s defence against Russia. In is the 26th...
The Carl Gustav M4 is the fourth generation of a weapon that now has a range of ammunition that makes it so much more than just an anti-armour weapon.

Shoulder Fired Mayhem

Armada International was invited by Saab Bofors Dynamics to witness live firing of the company’s Carl Gustav, AT4 and NLAW man portable products in...

EDITOR’S BUNKER BRIEFING (3 October 2022, No.80)

UKRAINE FIGHTS BACK, WHILE THE WALLS CLOSE IN ON PUTIN Dear Readers, Since my last Bunker Briefing, the tide of war has turned in favour of...

Master and Servant

New information on the Russian Army’s Orlan-10 UAVs’ vulnerability to electronic warfare has come to light. Sources involved with Ukrainian Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operations...
Russian Army Torn-MDM Electronic Warfare System

Western Bits in Russian Kit

Russian electronic warfare systems are relying on Western components according to a report from a London think tank. Silicon Lifeline makes for sobering reading....
Battleye on computer

Keeping an Eye on the Battle

Mass’ Battleye electronic warfare simulation software is intuitive and highly capable. Armada has put it through its paces over the last few months. Armada has...

Highlight of the Month