Airborne Deception
Deflection and deception is the key to survival against missile attack and the expendables market is developing smarter products to keep aircraft safe.
Since its...
Sky High Future
The financial rewards of building UAVs to meet a multitude of mission over the next decade is set to sky-rocket.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) will...
Navies Now Seeking MUAS Bids
There has been a resurgence of interest in unmanned aerial submarine-hunting capabilities as potential underwater threats, especially from Russia and China, continue to grow.
Loyal Wingmen and Swarms
The concept of an unmanned loyal wingman is being turned into reality and a variety of countries are investing in swarming development too.
The concept...
FLRAA and FARA – Procurement With a Difference
The US Army is on track to ensure that the two platforms that emerge from the Future Vertical Lift concept - FLRAA and FARA...
Clear Communications in the Shadows
Next generation communications including software defined radios will ensure special forces can use voice and data across a full spectrum of missions.
In line with...
Stealthy Sub-Surface Data Gatherers
The Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) submarine service chief Captain Herman de Groot discusses the changing underwater operating environment and how the RNLN’s upgraded Walrus-class...
Evolving Agile and Flexible Command at Sea
Commodore Michael Harris, Commodore Flotillas, discusses how the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) has been scaling its task group command structure to enhance operational flexibility.
Beginning of the End for F-35?
The United States Air Force’s (USAF) Warfighting Integration Capability (AFWIC) office has drawn up a new future fighter roadmap that would cap Lockheed Martin...
Turkish Armour Aims For Exports
Armoured vehicles designed and manufactured by Turkish companies are now finding their own export markets.
For many years the Turkish Land Forces Command (TLFC) deployed...