
New Dimension to Gulf Defence Market

Published in the Middle East Feb/Mar 2021 Supplement - The normalisation of relationships with Israel through the Abraham Accords will stimulate the growth of...

Breaking A2D2 with Long Range Fires

Published in the February/March 2021 Issue - Enhancing the delivery of long range precision fires (LRPF) is being driven largely as a potential response...

And the Winner is…?

Published in the February/March 2021 Issue - Decisions by Canada, Finland and Switzerland over which new fighter they will select to replace their existing...

The Expansion of GCC Air Power

Published in the Middle East Feb/Mar 2021 Supplement - The expansion of GCC Air Power has been rapid and in no small measure driven...
B-1B Lancer

Defining America’s Strategic Global Strike

Published in the February/March 2021 Issue - General Timothy Ray, commander, Air Force Global Strike Command and his staff provide Armada International an exclusive...

Space Defence Set for Meteoric Rise

Published in the December 2020/January 2021 issue - As space operations are increasingly under threat, the United Kingdom is joining the United Space in...

Battlefield UGVs Make Steady Progress

Published in the September 2020 Issue - UGVs will certainly be a welcome addition to supporting soldiers on the battlefield, but the need for...

High Frequency for SOF

Published in the October/November 2020 issue - Seeking to maintain secure and reliable connectivity, particularly in contested environments, special forces are turning to High...

ESG amphibious capability boosts US, allied Euro-Atlantic presence

Published in the October/November 2020 issue - Rear Admiral Robert Katz, Commander explains how expeditionary strike groups are central to how the United States...

Bright Horizons for Maritime Rotary UAVs

Published in September 2020 Issue - Naval rotary unmanned aerial vehicles are a reality. From mine countermeasures to ISR and beyond, the number of...

Highlight of the Month