Integrated Head Protection System

Lighter but Tougher Combat Vests and Helmets

Published in the Modern Soldier Compendium 2019/2020 - Body armour and helmet designs are advancing to give today’s soldiers lighter and better protection. Soldier survivability...
military IT equipment

5G Implications

While the drive towards 5G systems is irresistible, foreign commercial developers leading the charge present unavoidable security concerns. Military communications at the tactical edge always...

Military leaps ahead with Commercially Developed Waveforms

The drive for increased capacity means the military can adopt commercially developed waveforms but adapt them for tighter security. Waveforms are the software that dictate...

Managing Defence Industry Risk

In many ways, the business of national security is the business of managing risk. In the United States, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs...

The Art of Packing More Into Less

As military tactical communication needs evolve, Software Defined Radios (SDR) that form the core of the capability are packing more communications bands into smaller...

Black Sea Flash Point

As Turkey vacillates its affections between NATO and Russia, and since the Russian seizure of Crimea and military action in eastern Ukraine, naval patrols...

Swedish Navy Trials Next Generation Torpedo

Both the Swedish Royal Navy and the Finnish Navy are anticipating the arrival of a new generational torpedo designed for the challenging waters of...

Winter is Coming

Climate change and the geographical struggle to control natural resources in cold environments has made the need to operate in extreme cold more likely. There...

Triangulate to Accumulate

NATO’s CESMO initiative promises a step change in how the alliance collects electronic intelligence offering tactical, operational and strategic advantages. An accurate, timely electronic order-of-battle...

Multi-layered Shield

Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD) has taken on significant importance as military minds reset to peer-to-peer conflict from two decades of asymmetric warfare. Anti-Access Area Denial...

Highlight of the Month