Modern Soldier by Design
The light infantryman has been receiving significant attention by many armed forces across the world.
In the United States there has been wide focus...
More Power to Your Elbow
Methods of suppling power to soldiers in the field to support all of their personal electronic aides and being redefined - sometimes radically.
Power has...
Building a Synthetic Warfighting World
Many young soldiers have grown up with electronic gaming, but how can a military employ it across the spectrum of its fighting force with...
Sense, Send and Strike
The system modernisation programme for the Royal Canadian Navy’s four Victoria-class submarines is upgrading all three core elements of a submarine’s at-sea contribution to...
Unannounced Arrival
When conducting operations the challenge to special forces, ideally, is to arrive and leave an area of operations with as much stealth as possible....
Admiral Modernises Pakistan Navy To Meet Non-Traditional Threats
Chief of the Pakistan Navy, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi discusses how he is expanding the capabilities and operational outputs of his navy at a...
SOF Seek Simulation to Optimise Training
Preferring to ‘train as they fight’, special operations forces (SOF) are infamous for replicating real-world environments to prepare for the execution of the full...
Special Forces Keep ‘Eyes On’ New Technology
Capable of conducting an extensive spread of mission sets across a complicated operating environment, special operations forces (SOF) demand the highest levels in technical...
Move Fast, Hit Hard
As special forces remain focused on clandestine and discreet operations at extended ranges, these remote deployments continue to mould requirements for special operations vehicles...
Icelandic Gap Guardians
Protecting NATO’s northern flank is a job not only entrusted to Norway, but also a rotation of Allied air force squadrons based in Iceland.