The Hellenic Navy’s Meko 200 Hydra-class frigate HS Spetsai conducts maritime security patrols around offshore resource platforms in the Mediterranean Sea, while supporting NATO’s Operation Sea Guardian in December 2020.

NATO’s Emerging Maritime Threats

Vice Admiral Keith Blount, NATO’s Commander Allied Maritime Command discusses the range of emerging and traditional threats and risks now pressurising the alliance’s maritime...
Working towards a digital next generation future vertical lift rotorcraft. Bell’s V-280 Valor cockpit simulation on display in October 2020. The V-280 will complete for the FLRAA requi-rement. (DVIDS)

US Army Big Six Requirements and Programmes (Part 2)

This is the second of a two part series to explain the US Army’s ‘Big Six’ programmes to future proof it over the coming...
Smith & Wesson’s M&P12 pump shotgun is both compact and is compatible with 3 inch, 2¾ inch and mini-shells making it extremely adaptable. It has a capacity of up to 15 rounds with seven in each of its twin tube magazines plus one in the chamber. (Smith & Wesson)

Winning the CBQ

The close quarter battle (CQB) requires weapons that can be brought quickly onto a target, not to mention sights that allow quick and accurate...
PK machine gun at Russia-backed rebel position near the division

Ukraine – Global Economic Dislocation has just Started

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author John Longhurst, Chairperson, TangentLink. In conjunction with our colleagues at TangentLink, below...
NORINCO Sharp Claw

UGVs – Gaining Traction at Last?

Unmanned ground vehicles have not yet seen the success experienced by unmanned airborne systems, but is this about to change? While unmanned air vehicles (UAVs)...
F-35 Training

Synthetic Training for Combat Air: Panacea or Pipedream?

While there seems to be a general agreement that more synthetic flying is a good thing (cost-effective, environmentally better, and broadly more inclusive), will...
Trophy on Merkava

When Armour Is Not Enough

Traditional armour is often not enough to prevent main battle tanks from being knocked out on the battlefield. One of the three key elements of...
The OMFV program

US Army Big Six Requirements and Programmes (Part 1)

This is the first of a two part series to explain the US Army’s ‘Big Six’ programmes to future proof it over the coming...
Thales-mine warfare

Dead Reckoning – Pathways to USV/UUV Autonomy

How much autonomy do maritime USVs and UUVs actually need to accomplish their missions now and in the future? ‘Autonomous’, ‘unmanned’, ‘uncrewed’, ‘lean manning’… over...
Tempest fighter

Tomorrow’s Fighters

There are a number of prospective ‘Next Generation’ fighter projects taking shape around the world, although not all will be truly revolutionary. A new generation...

Highlight of the Month