Counter UAS Technology 2021

06decAll Day07Counter UAS Technology 2021

Event Details

We are pleased to announce the latest conference in SMi’s portfolio, the Counter UAS Technology USA 2021, taking place 6th – 7th December, Arlington, USA.

As many of our regular speakers are form the US and thanks to their large-scale US military research into Counter UAS, we saw the value in creating a USA focussed event.

With the establishment of the US DoD Joint Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Office, (JCO) there is now a drive across the US Armed Forces to have a comprehensive and centralised approach to tackling the ever evolving drone threat facing the nation.

Counter UAS Technology 2021 will showcase the very latest technology in the market to ensure that DoD personnel, equipment and infrastructure are protected from the proliferation of drones.

Speakers will feature from leading US DoD agencies, international defence organizations and leading industry providers.

Key reasons to attend:

  • Hear from US DoD Senior Leadership and Program Managers on how they are utilizing technology to combat UAS
  • Meet and Network with international speakers from NATO and aligned nations to discover how they are defending their defence networks from drone attacks
  • Listen to how innovative technology is driving advancement and enabling defence to counter drone swarms and attacks

To find out more or to register, visit


december 6 (Monday) - 7 (Tuesday)(GMT-11:00)


Arlington VA