Defence Aviation Safety 2020

23aprAll Day24Defence Aviation Safety 2020

Event Details

SMi Group are delighted to announce that the Defence Aviation Safety conference will return to London on the 23rd and 24th of April 2020.

This two-day event will bring together UK military leadership with responsibility for safety in aviation, as well as international senior defence experts from government and industry.

The primary focus of the conference will be on safety in defence aviation and will highlight key topics such as designing and maintaining safe air systems, certification, mutual recognition, safety data optimisation and greater collaboration between government and industry.

As the only conference specifically dedicated to aviation safety in the defence and military environment, Defence Aviation Safety is an important diary date for those in the industry.

Highlights of Defence Aviation Safety 2020:

  • Designing and maintaining safe air systems including the role of certification in each
  • Ensuring and assuring safe operation of air systems
  • Weapons safety and integration
  • Safe integration and certification of systems-of-systems
  • How military and industry can work together to apply standards more effectively to reduce the cost and length of the certification process
  • Mutual recognition and the shared use of available evidence
  • Certification requirements at different stages of a system’s lifecycle

Early bird deadlines:

  • Register by 13th December to save £400!
  • Register by 31st January to save £200!
  • Register by 28th February to save £100!

To register or for more information visit:


april 23 (Thursday) - 24 (Friday)(GMT+00:00)


Copthorne Tara Hotel

London, UK