Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness 2022

03aprAll Day04Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness 2022

Event Details

The SMi Group are pleased to present the next annual conference in the sell-out portfolio of Armoured Vehicle events: Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness (FAVSA) 2022, taking place on the 4th – 5th April 2022 in London.

Militaries around the world are continuing to evolve and develop their armoured vehicle capabilities to provide increased situational awareness in order to empower commanders to make more informed decisions on the battlefield. Modern threats and challenges such as the asymmetric and urban nature of modern warfare are fuelling industry to produce ever-more innovative solutions to ensure armoured vehicles can collate, integrate and use information and data through a range of sources previously unavailable.

This conference provides the unparalleled opportunity to hear from international military representatives, industry and system integrators who are continuing to drive innovation in the field of situational awareness technology. They will be sharing their insight into ongoing and future requirements and developing a wider understanding of the shared challenges faced.

Now in its 6th year as the only event of its kind, FAVSA 2022 will include wide-ranging contributions from those directly involved in allied nations development programmes as well as the engineers and technical experts behind the latest solutions such as: Vetronic Architectures,AI and AR technology, autonomous capabilities, CIS, sensor technology, active protection systems and crew display solutions. http://armouredvehicles-sa.com/armada


april 3 (Sunday) - 4 (Monday)(GMT-11:00)


Copthorne Tara Hotel

London, UK