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GNSS Jamming around Grozny 25th December 2025

Someone had Blundered

The loss of an Azerbaijan Airlines aircraft during a routine flight from Baku to Grozny on 25th December raises some troubling questions about Russian...
HawkEye 360 Cluster 6 satellites

April Spectrum SitRep

Cluster 6 Collects On 14th March, HawkEye 360 announced that its Cluster 6 Radio Frequency (RF) sensing satellite constellation had commenced operations, according to a...

Low and Slow

New French Air Force helicopters supporting the air interception of low and slow air targets will have their mission assisted by new radar technology. The...

Ukraine Airlines Flight 752 Shoot Down: Questions Remain

Iran provides more details on the shootdown of Ukraine International Airlines flight 752 on 8th January, but questions remain unanswered. Serious lapses in radar and...

The Jet’s No Threat

The loss of an airliner over Tehran shows failings in Iranian IFF protocols and air defender training. Lessons must be learnt. Flight 752 Ukrainian International Airlines...

Highlight of the Month