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Tag: BAE Systems

The Phoenix-30 is a VTOL quad rotor

Unmanned Systems: All-Seeing Eyes

Armada International’s famous Unmanned Vehicles supplement returns, giving the reader all that they need to know regarding developments in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs),...
United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket carrying NROL-61 satellite

Rational Geographic

Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) is a key capability for national defence and security, in order to allow military forces to have detailed awareness of the...
The E-3 family

Let’s Get Linky!

The Link-16 radio communications protocol, of which the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) commenced development in the 1970s, and which commenced fielding in the...
FGS Mosel

Local Stability in Troubled Times

The 34-day war that erupted in Lebanon in 2006 involving the Israeli armed forces and the Hezbollah insurgent organisation resulted in an expansion of...
The Royal Navy will receive the ‘Type 26’ class

Heavy Metal

Around the world, navies are procuring multi-purpose and flexible frigates and destroyers with new generation sensors and weapons capable of accomplishing a wide-range of...
LAV-AT vehicles

New Turrets For LAV-AT

The US Marines Light Armoured Vehicle battalion includes a mix of complementary mission role vehicles. These include the General Dynamics LAV-AT or Anti-Tank vehicle...
CV-90 IFVs

CV-90 IFVs for the Czech Army

The Czech Army is being offered a locally-produced CV-90 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) as confirmed to armadainterinational.com by a BAE Systems spokesperson. These new...

Turrets Syndrome

Vehicle turrets are growing increasingly sophisticated in a number of areas, from advances in ammunition to different uses of automation. There has been a...


A quiet revolution is occurring in naval communications. The stalwart Link-11 Tactical Data Link (TDL) is being replaced by Link-22. How does this new...

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

The military vehicle maintenance market is in a state of transition: The model that came into play over a decade of US-led combat operations...

Highlight of the Month