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Tag: Boeing

B-83 training round

Will The Bomber Always Get Through?

“Ain’t a hope in hell, nothin’ gonna bring us down,” wrote Lemmy, the late lead vocalist of veteran heavy rock band Motorhead, for their...
Boeing’s new AH-64E Guardian

Decision Time

The decision to discard the Airbus Helicopters/Eurocopter EC-665 Tiger-ARH (Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter) gunship announced in the Australian government’s Defence White Paper this February has...
Liquid Robotics’ Wave Gliders

Moby Dick or Red October?

In the long history of human seafaring, our species has found ways of harnessing the energy from the environment and eking out meagre on-board...
satellite WIN-T communications

On The Move

Satellite Communications or ‘SATCOM’ is nothing short of a communications miracle, offering high bandwidths over long ranges. Unsurprisingly, militaries around the world want this...

Boeing KC-46A Tanker for U.S. Air Force Completes First Flight

EVERETT, Wash., Dec. 5, 2017 – The first Boeing KC-46A tanker that will be delivered to the U.S. Air Force next year successfully completed its first...

Avoiding a Mid-Life Crisis

The Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) requirements of military aircraft account for a significant portion of defence budgets around the world. Customers want high...
Boeing KC-46A

Flying Filling Stations

Operation INHERENT RESOLVE (OIR), the ongoing US-led military operation against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) insurgent group which has occupied significant...
Vehicle-based applications for laser weapons

Back to the Future

Although a few remaining hurdles are pushing the operational advent of laser weapons to the mid-2020s, they promise to bring cost-effectiveness and efficiency to...

Over The Ocean

While they are primarily used by air forces, with armies, following closely behind, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming an asset that naval forces...

Of Sparrows and Sidewinders

The global Air-to-Air Missile (AAM) market is a fiercely competitive one, in which long-established players battle to provide the armament for a diminishing number...

Highlight of the Month