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Sensor fusion

Architectural Award

US Army electronic support capabilities will take an important step forward with the realisation of the Integrated Sensor Architecture. The US Army’s Integrated Sensor Architecture...
Starlink terminal

Keep Connected – Undetected

The need for special operations forces to remain connected to their C2 while remaining undetected - and particularly unlocated - is a vital part...
Baltic Defence Line

Eastern Promise

NATO’s Multi-Domain Operations posture comes under scrutiny during this year’s Riga Conference held in the Latvian Capital. The sun poured through the windows of the...

Getting Connected

The US Department of Defence now has a baseline version of its Joint All-Domain Command and Control architecture. Additional capabilities are expected in the...
Lockheed Martin's Pony Express 2 mission

Lockheed Martin’s Pony Express 2 Tech Demo Satellites Declared Ready For Launch

The Lockheed Martin Pony Express 2 mission, intended to showcase how space can enhance Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2), is ready for...

Highlight of the Month