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Tag: Cognitive Electronic Warfare

Radar Electronic Support Measure

Finger on the Pulse

Current radar electronic support measure technology has room for improvement, says a leading electronic warfare expert. The United Kingdom’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’s...
F-126 class frigate

Programme Focus: KORA-40 for Germany’s New Frigates

Development is moving ahead on the electronic warfare system destined to equip new frigates for the German Navy. The Deutsche Marine (German Navy) will receive...

Difficult Questions

Artificial intelligence is a growing reality in electronic warfare. Its uptake poses some ethical conundrums that will need to be tackled. “This is why no...
Cognitive Electronic Warfare Book Cover

Thinking Aloud

A new book gives a much-needed discussion and clarification on the specifics of Cognitive Electronic Warfare. Lockdown is a time for reading. Once more Armada’s...

Highlight of the Month