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France Enhances Theatre-Level SIGINT

On 31st July the Armée de l’Air (ADLA/French Air Force) took delivery of the first of eight Beechcraft King Air-350 Vader turboprops configured for...

Canadian Army EW Project Moves Forward

The Canadian Army is joining several NATO and allied nations overhauling their land forces electronic warfare capabilities. The Canadian Forces Land Electronic Warfare Modernisation (CFLEWM)...

Small System, Big Difference

The US Army’s MFEW-AS electronic warfare system for Class-3 UAVs promises an enhancement to the electromagnetic capabilities of its Brigade Combat Teams. The Multi-Function Electronic...

COMJAM Down Under

Reports emerged in May that the Australian Army will receive new mobile EW systems. What will this mean for its EW posture? The Australian Army...

New Tools for New Threats

The US Marine Corps is reorienting its focus to near-peer rivalries in the Asia-Pacific. Its electronic warfare capabilities will need to follow suit. Published this...
Operation Triton

Listening to Criminals

A new European Union initiative to combat sanctions busting and people smuggling in and around Libya could benefit from robust SIGINT support. As March was...

Electronic Warfare Podcast 3: In Conversation with COMINT Consulting’s Jim Kilgallen

Is our fixation with the latest and greatest electronic warfare technology in danger of overwhelming our need to support and nurture the human factor?...

Enhancing the Brazilian Army Force

The Brazilian Army is expected to procure new electronic warfare platforms as part of a larger acquisition of Iveco LMV four-wheel drive vehicles. Acquisition of...
54th Signals Regiment (French Army)

The VAB Four

The French Army operates several EW platforms to assist the manoeuvre force at the operational and tactical levels. These are ageing and could soon...

Backpacking Adventure

Manpack SIGINT systems capable of collecting communications intelligence are increasingly sought after by dismounted troops. Such equipment is highly versatile. It can be used when...

Highlight of the Month

Combat air demonstrator - simulator

Signs of Things to Come

Project Morpheus

Mortal Morpheus


Adapting to Win!