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Republic of Korea to Field Counter-drone Laser

The Republic of Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced it has awarded Hanwha Aerospace a contract for the mass production of a high-powered...
Suffren class submarines

Silent Running

The increased popularity among navies to own their own submarine fleets are driving new advances in submarine propulsion. If the SEA 1000 submarine programme in...
Altay Tank

Deal Signed for Turkish BMC Altay Tank to Receive South Korean Engine and Transmission

On 22 October, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, tweeted that an agreement had been reached with South Korea’s Minister for the...
GDELS M3 amphibious bridging vehicle.

Republic of Korea Army to Receive 1.3km of Amphibious Bridging

The Republic of Korea’s Defence Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has selected the Hanwha Defence / General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) partnership to provide...

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