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Rohde Schwarz at DSEI

Rohde & Schwarz at DSEI: mission proven solutions for deployment on land, in the...

As a systems partner and integrator for secure communications architectures and monitoring networks, Rohde & Schwarz presents its mission-proven solutions that help customers master...
Dismounted Finnish troops in winter camo

Comms in a Cold Climate

Recent purchases of new communications systems are one of several command and control modernisations ongoing in the Finnish Army. In early December 2022 Conlog announced...
The French Army’s new ESRP handheld radio is a single channel system providing power outputs of up to five watts.

Making Contact

The French armed forces’ Contact programme is one of Europe’s most ambitious tactical communications renewals. Thales is leading this programme rolling out new transceivers...
ESSOR High Data Rate Waveform

ESSOR Moves Ahead

Sources tell Armada that Europe’s ESSOR tactical radio waveform could be ready for use by early 2022. The news follows the announcement in May that...

ESSOR programme continues into the development of OC1

Oulu, Finland, November 7, 2017 – The joint venture a4ESSOR (Alliance for ESSOR) has been awarded a contract by OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en...

The new Bittium Tough SDR™ tactical radios

Bittium is part of Operational Capability 1 (OC1) phase that continues the ESSOR (European Secure Software defined Radio) programme. During the OC1 phase, the...
WF40 MANET waveform

What is it with Waveforms?

This headline encapsulates the importance of waveforms for tactical radios. Each task that a radio executes must be performed in a certain way. This...

Highlight of the Month