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Spectrum Dominance in All Domains

In today's fast-paced and complex threat environment, having access to timely and accurate signal intelligence and electromagnetic warfare (SIGINT/EW) technology is crucial for force...
Airbus Do-DT25 drone

Above and Beyond the Trenches

While small UAVs are proving their value on the battlefield in Ukraine for ISR and attack, there is an ongoing drive for larger, longer...
Ukraine CP Lessons Learned Report Cover

Command Post Protection

The US Army is digesting lessons learned from the ongoing war in Ukraine concerning command post survivability, lessons which have implications for tactical communications...

August Spectrum Sitrep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. New naval ESMs On 9th July, Rohde & Schwarz...

Webinar – Automated Counter-drone Mission Planning: EMS Localisation & Jamming Network Automation

Date: 10 September 2024 – available across different time zones or OnDemand. EUROPE: ZOOM: 09.00 BST > 10.00 CEST - Register TEAMS: 09.00 BST > 10.00 CEST - Register NORTH AMERICA: ZOOM: 10.00 EDT...
CIRCM on CH-47

July Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. Captain CIRCM In early June Northrop Grumman announced that...
Eurosatory 2024 - Spectrum dominance in all domains – powered by Rohde & Schwarz

Eurosatory 2024: Spectrum dominance in all domains – powered by Rohde & Schwarz

Rohde & Schwarz will showcase its solutions and capabilities supporting multi-domain operations by ensuring spectrum dominance in all domains and along the complete signal chain at...

Radioflash! Episode 12: Space to Think

The importance of space as a domain of warfare is deepening. Since the dawn of the space age in the 1950s, militaries have exploited...
General Atomics SOAR SIGINT Pod

There be Dragons!

Reports on social media emerged in April that Royal Air Force General Atomics MQ-9A Reaper uninhabited aerial vehicles are flying equipped with the Outdragon...
HENSOLDT land EW solutions

HENSOLDT showcases next-generation land EW capabilities at AOC Europe

HENSOLDT, a global leader in defence and security technologies, is participating in AOC Europe in Norway, the premier multi-domain electromagnetic warfare (EW) event hosted...

Highlight of the Month