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Tag: Five Eyes

Sensor fusion

Architectural Award

US Army electronic support capabilities will take an important step forward with the realisation of the Integrated Sensor Architecture. The US Army’s Integrated Sensor Architecture...
Viasat XVI Satellite Rendering

Link Rays

The United States Space Development Agency’s embrace of Link-16 connectivity is gathering momentum greatly improving the tactical datalink’s geographical footprint. Link-16 is a North Atlantic...
Polomarconi naval communications system

November Radio Roundup

Armada's monthly roundup of all the latest news in the military communications product, programme and operational domains. Modular Machinations L3Harris’ new Distributed Tactical Communications System (DTCS)...
CCS (US Space Force)

Space Savers

Australia is getting a space Electronic Warfare (EW) system. Defence Project 9358 will “explore options for … a ground-based space electronic warfare capability,” according...
Combat Cloud

Loyal, Unafraid and Unmanned

Published in the UAV supplement 2020/2021 - The role of networked unmanned wingmen closely supporting manned jet aircraft is a vision that is now...

Highlight of the Month