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Tag: Global Navigation Satellite System

GNSS Jamming around Grozny 25th December 2025

Someone had Blundered

The loss of an Azerbaijan Airlines aircraft during a routine flight from Baku to Grozny on 25th December raises some troubling questions about Russian...
National Military Command Centre

Of Strelets and Andromeda

A new book sheds light on the organisation of Russian land forces’ command and control, and the digital battle management systems they employ at...
M-Code Receiver

Signal Shielding

Work continues in rolling out the resilient M-Code capability across the US Global Positioning Satellite constellation. The United States Space Systems Command (SSC) Military Communications...

Radioflash! Episode 14: Living on the Frontline

Estonia is experiencing the challenges of Russian hybrid warfare first hand and is most likely in the direct path of any future military action...
Global Counterspace Capabilities

Competition in the Cosmos

A recent report on global counterspace capabilities details space electronic warfare efforts ongoing around the world. The publication of the Secure World Foundation’s (SWF) annual...
Groza-S CUAV System

Russian Drone Protection

A Russian military manual provides useful details on how Russian land forces counter uninhabited aerial vehicles at the tactical level. As Armada highlighted in a...

Radioflash! Episode 10: Shining Examples

Diamonds have attributes which are useful for current and future defence electromagnetic applications such as quantum communications and navigation. Diamonds have the highest thermal...
Allen-Vanguard Scorpion backpack ESM

September Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. Taming the Scorpion Allen-Vanguard announced in late July it...
Lockheed Martin F-35

May Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. Lightning Protection In early April BAE Systems received a...
Artist's impression of a GPS satellite

Radioflash! Episode 1: Voices from Space

Armada is proud to launch our new Radioflash podcast. Blending our electronic warfare and military communications podcasts Radioflash covers all aspects of military electromagnetic...

Highlight of the Month