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Tag: IOT


Police tactical vest: IoT and AI to enhance safety on operations

The innovative connected tactical vest project uses artificial intelligence (AI) for its abnormal-situation detection system and can transmit this warning to a command center...
Joint Zone at DSEI 2021

Breaking silos in defence: DSEI 23 Joint Zone set to display latest innovations across...

Effective defence operations rely on the seamless integration of technology, communication and processes across domains and forces nationally and internationally. In an age of...
The 'digital ocean' concept (Credit: Liquid Robotics, a Boeing company)

Digital Ocean

Covering 70 percent of the Earth's surface and extending to a maximum depth of about 11,000 metres (36,000 ft), the ocean remains largely unexplored...
Military 5G

Famous Five

“5G will provide a transport layer that we’ll have to address in the Electronic Warfare (EW) community,” observed Colonel Kevin Finch. Col. Finch is...

Highlight of the Month


Adapting to Win!

The M777 155mm/39 cal Light Towed Howitzer

Run out of Guns