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Supporting Space Autonomy

16th December 2024 marked an important date in the evolution of European Union satellite communications strategic autonomy. That day, the European Commission, the EU’s...
WRC 2023 Conference

Conference Outcomes

The World Radiocommunications Conference concluded on 15th December 2023. What decisions did the meeting take which may impact military users of the radio spectrum?...

Hughes Looks to the Future with LEO and 5G

Editor-in-chief Andrew Drwiega was in discussion with Rick Lober, vice president and general manager, Defense & Government Systems Division, Hughes Defense regarding his company’s...
Doodle Labs Helix Mesh Rider Radio

July Radio Roundup

Doodle’s new kit and caboodle Doodle Labs has announced it is planning to cooperate with companies supplying Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to Ukrainian forces. The...

August Radio Roundup

Armada's monthly roundup of all the latest news in the military communications product, programme and operational domains. Products Northrop Grumman and Airbus will collaborate on satellites...
The Ionosphere

Ionosphere Investigations – DARPA’s Ouija Programme Gets Underway

The US’ Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Ouija programme will delve into the mysterious world of ionospheric high frequency communications. Skywave HF (three to...
NDSA Satellite Communications

Space for Growth – NDSA Satellite Communications Moves Forward

The US’ National Defence Space Architecture will bring impressive levels of space-based connectivity down to the tactical edge. The US Department of Defence’s Space Development...

Highlight of the Month