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Tag: Leonardo


AAR Signs Agreement with Ontic for Support of Military MRO Business

Ontic, a BBA Aviation company and the aerospace industry’s leading provider of ‘Extended Life Solutions’ for OEM legacy products, has appointed AAR as its...

Robonic delivers third-generation KONTIO launcher to Leonardo

Robonic Ltd Oy, subsidiary of Safran Electronics & Defense has delivered a third-generation KONTIO pneumatic launcher to Leonardo. Designed to launch tactical unmanned air systems...

South Africa’s Defence Industry collaborating on a Global Scale

Star Hero Media Group, in association with the Africa Aerospace and Defence Expo (AAD), hosted the inaugural annual Combat Aircraft Conference International 2018 on...

Lincad launches new Battery Power Management System

Lincad, the UK designer and manufacturer of bespoke batteries, chargers and power management systems for military applications, is delighted to launch its new battery...

Leonardo launches new E-scan radar for fighter jets ‘Grifo-E’

Leonardo, exhibiting at Farnborough Air Show 2018 (16-20 July), will unveil the latest in its portfolio of electronically-scanning (E-Scan) radars, the Grifo-E. The new radar will...

Leonardo signs collaboration agreement with Konstrukta Defence

Leonardo has signed a collaboration agreement with Slovakia's Konstrukta Defence, a leading provider of artillery systems, that will see the two companies working together...

Future Trends to Watch

A number of trends are influencing the development of future combat vehicles. They will also shape efforts to upgrade existing vehicle fleets in order...

Armoured Vehicles – Combat Compendium

Armoured vehicles come in many shapes and sizes, with differing roles. This compendium will examine two categories: armoured fighting vehicles (AFV) used for direct...

Leonardo at Eurosatory 2018: technologies and solutions

Leonardo at Eurosatory 2018 (Paris, June, 11-15), the biggest international exhibition dedicated to the land and air land Defence and Security domain, showcasing its...

RUAS progress increases Maritime Relevance

As Rotary Unmanned Aerial Systems (RUAS) have improved in terms of range and load capability, they have moved into the tactical sphere encompassed by...

Highlight of the Month