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A Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) Alkmaar-/Tripartite-class minehunter (centre) transits with Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) in 2014. The RNLN’s new MCM vessels could provide a future platform for seabed warfare capability. (NATO Maritime Command)

Navies Consider Response to Seabed Warfare Risk

The emergence of seabed warfare as a strategic, political, and operational risk for Western countries is prompting navies to consider capability requirements, and the...

Polish Navy’s Kormoran II class MCMVs to be equipped with iXblue inertial navigation systems

iXblue Inertial Navigation Systems (INS) have been selected to provide critical navigation capabilities to the Polish Navy’s new-build Kormoran II class mine countermeasure vessels...

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