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Tag: Multi-Domain Operations

Sensor fusion

Architectural Award

US Army electronic support capabilities will take an important step forward with the realisation of the Integrated Sensor Architecture. The US Army’s Integrated Sensor Architecture...
SSF Logo

Change of Name, Change of Culture?

A bureaucratic reorganisation in one of China’s combatant commands may be indicative of problems and challenges the Chinese military is experiencing in modernising its...
UK Military Communications


The UK’s ongoing overhaul of its military communications, and command and control capabilities, has taken an important step forward. On 14th October, QinetiQ was awarded...
Baltic Defence Line

Eastern Promise

NATO’s Multi-Domain Operations posture comes under scrutiny during this year’s Riga Conference held in the Latvian Capital. The sun poured through the windows of the...

Radioflash! Episode 16: SMART Kill!

You have heard of hard kill, you have heard of soft kill, but what about SMART Kill? Drawing on his operational experience in the...
StreamCaster LITE 5200 (SL5200)

Silvus Technologies Unveils StreamCaster LITE 5200

The Power to Perform - SL5200 unifies C2, sensor, and telemetry data with communications relay capabilities into one powerful (up to 2W output...
Delta Screenshot

Delta Force

Ukraine’s Delta situational awareness, and command and control tool could provide NATO and allied nations with a useful template for future intelligence management systems...

Getting Connected

The US Department of Defence now has a baseline version of its Joint All-Domain Command and Control architecture. Additional capabilities are expected in the...


NATO is moving ahead with its embrace of the Multi-Domain Operations approach to warfare which stresses inter- and intra-force secure, redundant connectivity at strategic,...

Radioflash! Episode 15: JADC2 Issues

The US and her allies are embracing the Multi-Domain Operations philosophy with the Joint All Domain Command and Control System is at the heart...

Highlight of the Month