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NATO creates undersea infrastructure co-ordination cell

NATO has announced the establishment of a Critical Undersea Infrastructure Co-ordination Cell, to be set up at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. In a move responding...
UK Royal Navy 2017

‘Channel Committee’ naval chiefs focus on seabed security threat

London - In its most recent annual meeting, the ‘Channel Committee’ (CHANCOM) naval chiefs forum addressed the risk to seabed critical national infrastructure in...
Dismounted Finnish troops in winter camo

Comms in a Cold Climate

Recent purchases of new communications systems are one of several command and control modernisations ongoing in the Finnish Army. In early December 2022 Conlog announced...
British Army EW troops

Better Late than Never

The British Army has embarked on the latest chapter in the wholesale renewal of its electronic warfare capabilities. The tender for Project Cornerstone was...
Artist's impression of a GPS satellite

Radioflash! Episode 1: Voices from Space

Armada is proud to launch our new Radioflash podcast. Blending our electronic warfare and military communications podcasts Radioflash covers all aspects of military electromagnetic...
Abrams are destined for service with the Ukrainian Army.

EDITOR’S BUNKER BRIEFING (30 January 2023, No.83)

CAVALRY ON THE HORIZON, BUT WITH MANY DIFFERENT HORSES Dear Readers, Welcome to the first Bunker Briefing of 2023. Expert observers of the war in Ukraine expect...
Piranha-IIIH 8 X 8 Personnel Carriers at Moldovan ceremony.

Moldova Receives Piranha-IIIH 8 X 8 APCs

Earlier in January 16 2023, in a ceremony at a military camp in Chisinau, a delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany turned over...
US Army Blue Force Tracker

January Radio Roundup

Armada's monthly roundup of all the latest news in the military communications product, programme and operational domains. BFT For All to See Inmarsat has shared details...
Russian "Azart" radios

Talking the Talk

Translated official Russian documents seen by Armada provide an insight into how tactical communications are deployed by Russia’s army on the battlefield. In April...
NATO Cyber Coalition 2022

Putting the C into CEMA

A recent NATO exercise in Estonia shed light on how the alliance sees cyber warfare at the operational and tactical levels. This year’s North Atlantic...

Highlight of the Month