Milrem Robotics demonstrated their autonomous THeMIS UGV to the Italian Army
The European leading robotics and autonomous systems developer Milrem Robotics demonstrated their autonomous THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle to the Italian Army and launched a...
British Army’s 3rd Division selects Systematic’s SitaWare Headquarters
The British Army’s 3rd Division (3 DIV) has become the latest component of the UK armed forces to select Systematic’s SitaWare command-and-control (C2) software
L3Harris expects to have its new RASISR Signals Intelligence collection pod ready for delivery in 2021, the firm has told Armada.
The company unveiled the...
EDITOR’S BUNKER BRIEFING (26 October 2020) No.31
Dear Readers,
A meeting of NATO Defence Ministers has to address the thorny issue of two of its members ‘squaring up’ to one another in...
NATO Support & Procurement Agency orders an additional Airbus A330 MRTT
Airbus has received a firm order for an Airbus A330 MRTT Multi-Role Tanker Transport from OCCAR, Europe’s organisation for the management of cooperative armament...
Beam Scheme
Specialist and general media were abuzz in early September with the news that the Royal Air Force’s Typhoon fleet will receive a new AESA...
Black Sea Flash Point
As Turkey vacillates its affections between NATO and Russia, and since the Russian seizure of Crimea and military action in eastern Ukraine, naval patrols...
Triangulate to Accumulate
NATO’s CESMO initiative promises a step change in how the alliance collects electronic intelligence offering tactical, operational and strategic advantages.
An accurate, timely electronic order-of-battle...
Multi-layered Shield
Anti-Access Area Denial (A2AD) has taken on significant importance as military minds reset to peer-to-peer conflict from two decades of asymmetric warfare.
Anti-Access Area Denial...
Check the Manual
The US armed forces have a new doctrine for joint electronic warfare highlighting the importance of electromagnetic manoeuvre and reflecting recent events.
The signal was...