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MyDefence Successfully Integrates Counter UAS Sensors in Light Armoured Vehicle

MyDefence Communication announces the successful integration of Counter Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) technology in vehicle platforms for military forces. The integration of the drone...

RAF Typhoons return to Romania to resume NATO Black Sea Mission

Typhoon fighter aircraft from the Royal Air Force returned to Romania on Monday to continue their enhanced Air Policing mission begun last year. The Eurofighter...

Addressing Space Cybersecurity with High-throughput Satellites

Decades of relative tranquility in space have come to an end. The possibility of state-on-state conflict has become part of military planning, making flexible...

British Ministry of Defence announces they will re-join the Boxer programme

The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) has announced that they will re-join the Boxer programme via the Organization for Joint Armament Cooperation, or OCCAR,...

RAF’s Centenary Marked by Continuing Deployment on Operation Shader

Britain’s Royal Air Force (RAF) celebrated its 100th anniversary on Sunday 1 April 2018. But while the service prepares for an anniversary parade and...

Terma and Scandinavian Avionics team up to form Avionics Test Center Denmark

With the F-35 fighter aircraft being introduced in Europe these years, there is a growing need for establishing European regional maintenance capabilities. Terma has substantial...
Boeing EA-18G

Fighting Fascism

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) came to prominence with its declaration of a worldwide caliphate in June 2014. Soon after, it...

War Without End?

In January 2015, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) transitioned to a non-combat support role to assist the Government of the Islamic Republic of...
The USAF’s HH-60G Pave Hawk CSAR helicopter

The Great Escape

Although still considered a niche capability, Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) is being employed by a growing number of armed forces worldwide, who recognise...

MASS extends contract at NATO JEWCS Yeovilton centre

MASS, a Cohort plc company, has consolidated its role as a leading supplier of EW services to NATO by extending its service support contract...

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