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Military Communications Podcast 3: Achieving Spectrum Dominance

As near-peer adversaries continue to develop and deploy advanced electronic warfare capabilities, the warfighter’s ability to operate in congested and contested electromagnetic spectrum environments...

Radioflash! Episode 5: Commanding and Controlling

Multi-Domain Integration risks creating challenges for electromagnetic spectrum operations command and control, but these are not insurmountable, argues Major Erik Bamford. Once again, this year’s...

Radioflash! Episode 4: Beyond the Horizon

Keen-eyed readers of Armada’s military communications webpage may remember an article we ran in April that looked at tropospheric radio. The article discussed the...
Electronic Warfare Training

Radioflash! Episode 3: Train as you fight!

The electromagnetic spectrum has never been so congested. This is only likely to get worse. Training is a key part of meeting this challenge...
US Army M777A2 155mm howitzer

Radioflash! Episode 2: A Work of Fiction

FICINT is a useful tool to help us imagine how the future may unfold. It is particularly apt for those working in the electromagnetic...
Artist's impression of a GPS satellite

Radioflash! Episode 1: Voices from Space

Armada is proud to launch our new Radioflash podcast. Blending our electronic warfare and military communications podcasts Radioflash covers all aspects of military electromagnetic...
USAF EW personnel

Electronic Warfare Podcast 25: General Practitioners

As the electromagnetic spectrum becomes more congested and contested so the EW practitioner’s work increases. Human factors play a key role in Electronic Warfare...
Titan-II rocket

Electronic Warfare Podcast 24: FARRAH in the Falklands

A recent article contained a startling revelation that US FARRAH satellites provided SIGINT to British forces during the Falklands War. Taking its name from...
Elettronica E4Shield Countervirus system

EW Podcast 23: Killing the Virus

Electronic Warfare has a new foe in the guise of the Covid-19 with microwaves harnessed as an effective tool to kill the virus. Elettronica...

EW Podcast 22: Taking Stock – Russian Electronic Warfare Evolves in Ukraine

Phase 1 of Russia’s war in Ukraine has ended, but battle rages on. Russia’s electronic warfare posture seems to be steadily strengthening as the...

Highlight of the Month