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Tag: Russia

Probable Sopka-2 radar installation with HF comms array

High Frequency in the High North

New analysis comes to light regarding high frequency trunk communications used by Russia’s strategic integrated air defence system. Regular Armada readers will be aware of...
GNSS Jamming around Grozny 25th December 2025

Someone had Blundered

The loss of an Azerbaijan Airlines aircraft during a routine flight from Baku to Grozny on 25th December raises some troubling questions about Russian...
Aselsan Milkar-A2

Comms Collapse

The rapid end of Syria’s civil war, and the fall of the Assad regime, may have highlighted shortcomings in Russian tactical communications, and the...
Nammo's MP Symposium 2023 and live fire demonstrations

Firing Up Industrial Production in Times of War

Morten Brandtzæg, CEO of arms and ammunition producer Nammo, discusses the challenges that the war in Ukraine has brought to the arm industry. Russia’s invasion...
National Military Command Centre

Of Strelets and Andromeda

A new book sheds light on the organisation of Russian land forces’ command and control, and the digital battle management systems they employ at...

Tricking-up the HARM

The US Air Force’s new Stand-In Attack Missile is showing potential as a versatile weapon to hold time-sensitive targets at risk thanks to its...
OPFOR Smartbook-3

Russian Rules

A new book shed more light on the organisation of the Russian military and how it sees the electromagnetic spectrum as a zone of...
liberation of Syria


SYRIA - what just happened? So where the heck did the overthrown of the diabolical Bashar Al Assad Government in Syria come from? One day...
Orlan-10 UAV

Band on the Run

Details have been shared with Armada regarding operating frequencies of uninhabited aerial vehicles used by Russian land forces occupying parts of Ukraine. The Russian military...
Baltic Defence Line

Eastern Promise

NATO’s Multi-Domain Operations posture comes under scrutiny during this year’s Riga Conference held in the Latvian Capital. The sun poured through the windows of the...

Highlight of the Month