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Tag: Russia

A dramatic picture of a Chayka transmitting station. Three such stations in Russia and Belarus maybe providing PNT coverage to Russian forces deployed to Ukraine.

Chayka Compensates?

Russia maybe using her Chayka radio navigation system to outflank GNSS jamming in the Ukraine theatre of operations. Russia’s RSDN-10 Chayka system is like the...

Electronic Warfare Podcast 18: Cold Space

The United States and Soviet Union poured billions of dollars into signals intelligence satellites during the Cold War. These spacecraft were an invulnerable and invaluable...


More details have emerged regarding the Russian Army’s use of tactical communications in the Ukraine theatre of operations. On 24th March social media video emerged...

All Yours. Krasukha, Krasukha, Krasukha, Ja, Ja!

Losing what was advertised as one of the world’s most advanced ground-based electronic warfare systems is at best unlucky and at worst downright careless....
The planned Nord Stream-2 natural gas pipeline running from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea appears all but dead as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


Our colleagues at TangentLink share with Armada their latest assessment of the economic and strategic fallout from the ongoing war in Ukraine. Bottom-line: Events are...
PK machine gun at Russia-backed rebel position near the division

Ukraine – Global Economic Dislocation has just Started

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author John Longhurst, Chairperson, TangentLink. In conjunction with our colleagues at TangentLink, below...
Belarus Air Force Mi-24s being overhauled at JSC 558 Aircraft Repair Plant.

Russia’s toxic partner Belarus

In January Russian forces began to mass in Belarus along Ukraine’s northern border when the Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General...

Electronic Warfare Podcast 17: Chinese Whispers

Chinese electronic warfare is an enigmatic subject. Important new research sheds light on how the People’s Liberation Army’s land forces see EW. Sam Cranny-Evans is...
Russian EW system attack (Twitter)

Rah, Rah, Rash Putin?

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24th February, Armada will provide continually updated coverage of Russian electronic warfare efforts as the conflict unfolds. Author’s Note...

Russian Forces Continue Advance; Reports of Them Entering Kyiv

As I write this the BBC is reporting that Russian forces are entering the capital city of Ukraine, Kyiv. Whether the ‘call to arms’...

Highlight of the Month