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Safran's VIGY 4 optronic sights

The Egyptian Navy choses Safran to equip its Offshore Patrol Vessels with advanced optronic...

The Egyptian Navy has chosen Safran to equip 10 Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) with advanced optronic and navigation systems. NVL Egypt, a joint venture...
Brolis and HS VHS2

BROLIS state-of-the-art technology meets RUAG Ammotec (Defence & Law Enforcement)

RUAG Ammotec’s (BU Defence & Law Enforcement) product portfolio now includes the high-quality laser light modules, target markers, thermal imaging and thermal devices from...
Spider C-1 vehicle

Break for the Border

Border control has never been a more sensitive issue in peacetime than it now is in Europe and the United States. In Europe, sympathy...
CMOS cameras

Seeing Things

Military vehicles have used optronics, such as night vision devices, for decades for observation and targeting, driver aids and, more recently, local all-round vision,...

Highlight of the Month