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Perad-6010 handheld radio

Polish Comms Modernisation

The Polish Army is overhauling its tactical radio inventory with a new domestically designed, developed and produced handheld transceiver. The Wojska Lądowe (Polish Army) is...
Persistent Systems PT5 MPU5

February Radio Roundup

Armada’s monthly roundup of all the latest news in the military communications product, programme and operational domains. New Persistent Systems 5G and WiFi module  A January...
OPFOR Smartbook-3

Russian Rules

A new book shed more light on the organisation of the Russian military and how it sees the electromagnetic spectrum as a zone of...
Ukrainian RAM LM during tests in 2018. (SpetsTechnoExport)

The Panacea of Loitering Munitions

Loitering munitions are proving their value, and their utility can be broadly defined across the battlefield. The loitering munition and its use on the battlefield...
Orlan-10 UAV

Band on the Run

Details have been shared with Armada regarding operating frequencies of uninhabited aerial vehicles used by Russian land forces occupying parts of Ukraine. The Russian military...

Radioflash! Episode 17: Ken Miller’s Letter from America

The defence and security electromagnetic agenda for the new US Congress and Executive is considerable, but what are the priorities? The new US Congress,...
Exercise ‘Digital Talon 3.0’

US 5th Fleet’s newest technology task force runs ‘Digital Talon’ uncrewed systems exercise

US 5th Fleet’s newest technology task force – Task Group 59.1 (TG-59.1) – has conducted the latest iteration of the fleet’s ‘Digital Talon’ maritime...

Radioflash! Episode 16: SMART Kill!

You have heard of hard kill, you have heard of soft kill, but what about SMART Kill? Drawing on his operational experience in the...
Saab Sirius Compact L20C

November Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. New Sirius COMINT System Unveiled Saab has unveiled the...
BriteStorm on UAV

Storm Clouds

The Royal Air Force has performed trials with a new airborne jammer which shows promise in supporting the suppression/destruction of enemy air defence mission. The...

Highlight of the Month