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Tag: Ukraine


Training at a Higher Level

The war in Ukraine has injected impetus into a re-evaluation of live, virtual and and constructive flight training. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been a...
Destroyed Russian Borisoglebsk-2 EW Vehicle at Kherson International Airport

Letter From Kherson: Russian Electronic Warfare After Action Report

The Russian Army has withdrawn from the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson. Below is a fictitious letter from an army EW company commander to his...
French Navy Frigate

Trust me, I’m a Doctrine

The Marine Nationale takes a robust line on the role of electronic warfare for anti-ship missile defence, but will its future ships have the...
US Army HF Radio

September Radio Roundup

Armada's monthly roundup of all the latest news in the military communications product, programme and operational domains. Products Persistent Systems announced in early August that it...
The Klitschko Brothers and Starlink Terminals

Military Communications Podcast 2: Deep Impact

Private sector satellite communications provision is paying dividends for Ukrainian forces in that country’s ongoing war. In the wake of Russia’s Ukraine invasion on...

September Spectrum SitRep

Armada’s monthly round-up of all the latest electronic warfare news in the product, programme and operational domains. Products Pentek has release its Quartz Model 5553 SOSA...

Master and Servant

New information on the Russian Army’s Orlan-10 UAVs’ vulnerability to electronic warfare has come to light. Sources involved with Ukrainian Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operations...
Russian Army Torn-MDM Electronic Warfare System

Western Bits in Russian Kit

Russian electronic warfare systems are relying on Western components according to a report from a London think tank. Silicon Lifeline makes for sobering reading....
USAF RC-135W, callsign HOMER, track.

Conflict in Ukraine: Analysis of Three Factors in the First Stage

An analysis of how Russia’s invasion was monitored by NATO, together with reflections on two key elements of the fight so far - the...

EW Podcast 22: Taking Stock – Russian Electronic Warfare Evolves in Ukraine

Phase 1 of Russia’s war in Ukraine has ended, but battle rages on. Russia’s electronic warfare posture seems to be steadily strengthening as the...

Highlight of the Month